As a lover of bling and cheap designer swag- library diva was determined
to be as close to the beginning of the queue as possible.
Here is my Versace Diary.
7am- get up
7.15am- get dressed and run out the door.
7.30am - meet my friend at the luas and head towards Dundrum.
7.45am- Get in line outside H&M. Two members of staff are there to greet us.
We're given wristbands and are told that we are in the second group of shoppers to get
into the pen. Twenty shoppers are allowed in at any one time. Everyone is given 10mins
to do a 'supermarket sweep' and pick up a maximum of 7 items. Only one size of garment
can be bought. If the wrong size is chosen, staff will do an exchange for you in store, if that size
is available.
8am- Wrist bands firmly on we head to MacDonalds for breakfast.
8.55am- Return to the queue, in time to see the first group of shoppers enter the ring. The
excitement in the queue is palpable. Some of the security guards look bemused by the whole
thing. Although, myself and my buddy arrived over an hour before the doors opened, we were
by no means the earliest. One lady with a buggy (yes she brought her baby) had slept outside the shop
overnight in order to be at the top of the queue. You will undoubtedly see her picture in the paper.
9.20am - Extreme shopping is called for when you only have ten minutes to mull over and grab what you
want before you head for the changing rooms. I try on a black studded top and a turquoise dress.
My friend tries on a purple dress and a silk fringe dress. I love the black studded top-definitely a keeper.
Would look class with black skinny jeans and gold heels. The turqoise dress is not great, the lenght is
a little too short for my liking and the cut isn't very flattering-not great on the tummy.
My friend wasn't enamoured by the two dresses she tried on.
9.30am - Pay for my black studded top 40euro and accessories 20 euro.
My friend got a bracelet for 25 euro. Winner.
I was very impressed by how the shop ran the event. Because people were given numbered
wristbands and a maximum of twenty shoppers were allowed to shop in the Versace section
at any one time, things didn't get too crazy. I had been expecting cat fights over clothes, but that
didn't happen. The staff did really well in bringing stock back to the shelves after it had been tried on
and discarded.
The stock in the Versace range was good but not great. The scarves, bags and accessories were georgeous.
The top i got was lovely but the dresses weren't wonderful. The materials used were not the most
flattering and the sizing was off. I heard one very skinny woman say that she had to get a size 16 and there
was no way in hell she was a size 16. Unfortunately, Dublin did not get everything in the Versace for H&M range which was a shame. I would have loved to have seen the leather jackets and shoes.
Now, onto River Island to get those skinny jeans i've had my eye on for ages....
Here is (stolen) picture of the top i bought

Here is another stolen picture of the turquoise dress i tried on and discarded